Sunday, February 14, 2010

St. Petersburg, Russia

I have been thinking a lot about our trip to Russia this past summer. I didn't have warm fuzzies while I was there....soldiers were all around. I felt like all the people are being 'watched' and maybe not in such a good way for their protection. It really made me thankful for the freedoms that we have in this wonderful country, that so many have died for, so we can have this precious gift. Thank you doesn't hardly seem like enough when you see how the people of other countries live. So many don't have this gift, they might have veiled freedom. They put on a show for the world but it's not really there.


  1. You and I are a little different. This trip just wet my appetite for more. I would like to spend longer and visit Moscow and other places close to there. Love you.

  2. I'm so thankful for our freedom! I'd hate for us to ever lose it.
    I'm with Dad, I'd LOVE to go to Russia, photograph it and talk with the people. That would be amazing!

  3. Being elsewhere in the world makes you appreciate where you live! It's also fun though to travel and meet new people and learn what makes their societies work.

  4. Oh ~ I forgot to say that I loved your pictures!

  5. I am SO thankful for our freedoms!
    Thank yo for the pictures and reminder!

  6. that would be "you"....not "yo"! =)

  7. Wow we are so lucky to have been born in the USA. I am so thankful for the courage of our soldiers every day.
